The Leicestershire and Rutland Golf Alliance
The Leicestershire and Rutland Golf Alliance was formed in 1930 and is one of the
most active in the Country. In the current year there are 22 affiliated clubs.
The primary purpose of the Alliance is to promote friendship through golf. Members of all
affiliated clubs are very welcome at all Alliance events.
The Alliance runs weekly events throughout the winter. This is when clubs are
comparatively quiet. The better-ball format is always popular, with professionals also
scoring their individual card in their pursuit of the valuable Order of Merit. Fields are well
subscribed every week with an excellent standard of golf. The competitions provide an
excellent competitive atmosphere for the professional and keen amateur to keep an edge
to their game in winter.
During the season we have many matches and just before Christmas we have our annual
Christmas Am-Am which is for prizes relating to Christmas. The season culminates with the
Alliance Championship and the end of season the trophies are presented.
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