1.The Alliance shall be known as the "Leicestershire and Rutland Golf Alliance"

2.The committee which shall consist of the President & Vice President together with four amateurs and two professionals along with a manager to be appointed by the committee.

3.  One amateur and one professional member of the committee shall retire annually in rotation but shall be eligible for re-election.

4.  Ten members shall form a quorum at a general meeting of the Alliance, and three at a committee meeting. At all meetings the president shall act as chairman and shall have a second or casting vote.

5.  ALL amateur members and juniors of 16 years of age on January 1st proceeding the Alliance season, past presidents of the Alliance and professionals attached to golf clubs within the two counties who are members of the Leicestershire & Rutland P.G.A. are eligible for membership. Maximum playing handicap for all Alliance fixtures to be 24 for men and 32 for ladies. Professionals who are not attached to golf clubs but are members of the Leicestershire & Rutland PGA. may at the discretion of the Alliance committee be admitted as members of the Alliance.

6. The manager shall keep a register of all members of the Alliance.

7.The financial year of the Alliance shall commence on June 1 and end on May 31st in each year. The manager shall receive and pay all sums respectively due to or from the Alliance and shall lay before the annual meeting an audited statement of receipts and expenditure for the preceding year.

8.  The annual subscription shall be a minimum of £30.00 for ALL members. Competition entry fees will be set by the committee to an appropriate amount to support a prize fund and donation to the host club. Entry fees may be varied during the season at the discretion of the committee. Subscriptions shall be payable to the Alliance and no member may participate in any competition promoted by the Alliance until the subscription is paid.

9.The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of August and not less than fourteen days prior to such meeting a copy of the audited statement together with notice shall be sent to all members by e mail

10. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called by the manager at the written request of twelve members and held within one calendar month.

11. Nominations to fill a vacancy or vacancies on the committee must be submitted in writing by two members of the Alliance at least seven clear days before the date of the annual general meeting.

12. All nominations for the "Officers of the Alliance" must be received by e mail to the manager seven clear days before the date of the annual general meeting

13. Alterations or amendments to these Rules shall be made only at a general meeting of the members and notice of any proposed alterations must be submitted by e mail to the manager, seven clear days before the date of the general meeting.


14. All competitions shall be run in accordance with the rules of golf, and in the case of Professionals the PGA. In addition, the local rules of the club where the competition is held and any additional Alliance rules. All players must return a score using the online tournament software used by the Alliance and in the event of a tie the winners will be decided by standard WHS countback rules.

15. In all tournaments and competitions, members must have a WHS handicap, but no member shall be allowed a playing handicap of more than 24 for men & 32 for ladies. Professionals and Assistant Professionals shall be scratch. Female Professional golfers play off the same tees as male Professionals. Ladies to play from the red tees & the ladies’ card and SI. Juniors cannot partner other juniors

16. Each competition shall be under the control of the committee whose decision shall be final. Trophies will be awarded to the leading player in the end of season championship and for the amateur OOM.

17. As a condition of entry to all competitions the winner of any trophy win be responsible for the safe custody and return to the Alliance one month before the trophy is next played for. The member will also be responsible for ensuring that the trophy is adequately insured during the period it is held.

18. A Championship Meeting to be called "The Leicestershire and Rutland Golf Alliance Championship", incorporating The Professional Championship of Leicestershire and Rutland, shall be held each year over 18 holes and shall be open to all members of the Alliance.


19. Any surplus funds of the Alliance over and above normal day to day working shall be invested in a recognised High Street Bank in the account known as "The Leicestershire and Rutland Golf Alliance Business Reserve Account" or such other fund as the committee may decide.

20. Such funds shall be operated by four trustees, three of whom must be past presidents of the Alliance and, one to be a member of the Leicestershire and Rutland Professional Golfers' Association and ALL to be current members. The manager will also attend any meetings and facilitate them as necessary. Nominations of the Trustees shall be approved at the Annual General Meeting of the Alliance.

21. Payments or distributions to Professionals shall be only through the Benevolent Fund, and such payments or distributions shall be made upon a recommendation by resolution of the Committee and with the approval of the majority of the Trustees.

22. Trustees shall at their own discretion and after consulting the management committee, sanction money to be taken from The Benevolent Fund within the following parameters: the trustees will only be allowed to grant a limit of 50% of the fund in any one year and no individual can receive more than 10% of the total fund. The fund is to be used for any deserving Professional Members of the Leicestershire and Rutland PGA in times of hardship or incapacity to work.